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Wespath Institutional Investments

Investment Services Driven by Your Mission

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Providing not-for-profit institutions access to globally diversified investment programs and Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) services.

Quarterly Investor Letter

Quarterly Investor Letter: Q4 2024

Wespath’s quarterly letter for institutional investors provides pertinent market and fund information, plus insights from members of our investment team. For the fourth quarter of 2024, we explore the market’s reaction to the U.S. elections and highlight how Wespath’s investment process drove the launch of two new funds.

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Wespath Institutional Investments (WII) adheres to its fiduciary responsibility to our investors by implementing an investment philosophy and OCIO service offering informed by the values of The United Methodist Church. Our uncompromising approach seeks competitive performance, aligned with our sustainable investment vision. The framework that guides our investment strategy is designed to deliver positive, long-term financial results:

  • Long-Term Perspective
  • Diversification
  • Active Management
  • Sustainability

The financial health of your organization and long-term sustainability of your mission are our top priorities. We are guided by principles—ethical and fiscal— that strive to meet our investors’ investment objectives.

As Your OCIO Provider, We've Got You Covered

Our team takes on the rigors of investment management while always striving to maintain your core values and advance your financial goals.

Cargo Shipping

5 Potential Impacts of Tariffs and Trade Policy

We explore how tariffs that were levied against Mexico and Canada, and then paused, could impact the markets, the economy and consumers.

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Fund Pages

Wespath Launches Fossil Fuel-Free Funds for Institutional Investors

Wespath Institutional Investments (WII) is pleased to announce today the launch of two new investment funds designed for institutional investors that want to exclude fossil fuel companies and certain securities associated with conflict-affected areas from their portfolios.

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Graphic of Report

Quarterly Investment Performance Report

The WII Quarterly Investment Report features quarterly performance and attribution information for the I Series funds.

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Investor Resources

Ready to Discuss Investment Opportunities for Your Institution?

We'd love to start the conversation and provide you with the information and materials you need to make prudent financial choices for your organization.

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