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Q2 Key Takeaways: Market Insights From the First Half of 2024

Joe Halwax portrait photo

   By Joe Halwax CAIA, CIMA
   Managing Director, Institutional Investment Services


While there are very few guarantees in the financial markets, through the first six months of 2024, things are looking fairly positive for investors. The U.S. economy remains resilient, and market leaders like Nvidia keep chugging along. What else is driving returns so far this year? What should we be watching in the coming months? Wespath’s Joe Halwax answers these questions, and more, in our latest blog.

Click here to read the full blog.

Why Proxy Voting Is Important – and Top 3 Themes We Voted on This Year

Chirag Acharya portrait photo

   By Chirag Acharya
   Manager, Sustainable Investment Stewardship


Lucas Schoeppner portrait photo

   Lucas Schoeppner
   Senior Analyst, Sustainable Investment Stewardship

   June 17, 2024

Proxy voting refers to casting ballots as a shareholder on corporate governance-related matters at the annual general meetings (AGMs) of the companies in which we invest. All shareholders have the right to participate in AGMs and vote on a variety of corporate governance topics. It’s not typically as dramatic as it’s been depicted on shows like Succession, but it’s no doubt an important element of making our voices heard as an investor.

Click here to read the full blog.

CEO Blog: Why Exxon’s Climate Change Strategy Is Running on Empty

Andy Hendren portrait photo

   By Andy Hendren
   General Secretary and Chief Executive Officer

   May 22, 2024

Just a few short weeks after returning home from General Conference, the governing convention and legislative body of The United Methodist Church (UMC), I’m still filled with excitement about Wespath’s support of a renewed, aligned and inclusive Church.

Click here to read the full blog.

Q1 Key Takeaways: The Top Market and Economic Storylines of 2024, So Far

Joe Halwax portrait photo

   By Joe Halwax, CAIA, CIMA
   Managing Director, Institutional Investment Services

   April 2, 2024

Through the first quarter of 2024, U.S. economic data has remained somewhat strong. U.S. stocks have continued to climb higher, led by growth and technology names. The S&P 500 returned 10.6% in the first quarter, touching a new high of 5,245 at the end of March.

Click here to read the full blog.

Why Not Just Invest 100% in Stocks?

Frank Holsteen portrait photo

   By Frank Holsteen
   Managing Director, Investment Management
   March 18, 2024

If stocks traditionally provide the highest expected returns, why shouldn't you invest your entire portfolio in them? Frank Holsteen, Wespath's Managing Director of Investment Management, examines this question in our latest blog.

Click here to read the full blog.

Are the Magnificent 7 Stocks Creating a New Dot-Com Bubble?

Joe Halwax portrait photo

   By Joe Halwax, CAIA, CIMA
   Managing Director, Institutional Investment Services

   March 4, 2024

Technology-fueled excitement is once again driving a remarkable runup in stocks. But is today’s “Magnificent 7” domination really the same as the dot-com bubble of the early 2000s? In our latest blog, Wespath’s Joe Halwax digs into the characteristics of each era, shares his thoughts on what makes the Magnificent 7 different, and highlights why the real question might be which opportunities will emerge from the rest of the stock market.

Click here to read the full blog.

Market Takeaways from Q4, Wespath’s 2023 Year-in-Review, and Top Themes for 2024

Joe Halwax portrait photo

   By Joe Halwax, CAIA, CIMA
   Managing Director, Institutional Investment Services


Rashed Khan portrait photo

   and Rashed Khan
   Director, Portfolio Risk and Analytics

  January 2, 2024

In our latest blog, Wespath’s Joe Halwax and Raj Khan provide their insights on the top stories from Q4 and 2023 – covering everything from the dominance of the “Magnificent 7” to why continued calls for a recession are starting to sound like a Taylor Swift concert, and much more. Joe and Raj also highlight a few key themes for 2024 to get your New Year started off right!

Click here to read the full blog.

Wespath Staff Members Share Their Holiday Traditions and What They're Thankful For!

Joe Halwax portrait photo

   By Joe Halwax, CAIA, CIMA
   Managing Director, Institutional Investment Services


Myles Smith portrait photo

   and Myles Smith
   Investment Analyst

  December 18, 2023

We reached out to several Wespath colleagues with the same set of five questions to learn how they make the most of the holidays and to find out about some of their new, exciting experiences in 2023. We hope you enjoy learning more about the people behind the Wespath funds—and maybe get inspired to try something new in the process.

Click here to read the full blog.

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