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Daily Fund Performance

Net-of-Fees (as of 03/25/2025)1

Fund Current Price Price Change Year-to-Date
Fixed Income Fund-I Series $34.5126 0.11% 2.35%
Inflation Protection Fund-I Series $21.2483 0.17% 3.14%
International Equity Fund-I Series $50.0340 0.26% 6.64%
Multiple Asset Fund-I Series $47.4804 0.13% 2.21%
Short Term Investment Fund-I Series $14.5235 0.01% 0.94%
Social Values Choice Bond Fund-I Series $11.6591 0.14% 2.42%
Social Values Choice Equity Fund-I Series $26.8957 0.28% 1.34%
U.S. Equity Fund-I Series $83.7404 0.01% -1.98%
U.S. Equity Index Fund-I Series $31.5029 0.09% -1.63%
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Fund-I Series $12.0693 0.20% 3.14%

1 Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. Please refer to the Investment Funds Description - I Series for more information about the Funds. This is not an offer to purchase securities.

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Historic Fund Performance - Month-End

Net-of-Fees (as of 02/28/2025)1,2

Annualized Returns
Fund1,2 One Month Year-to-Date One
Fixed Income Fund-I Series 1.77% 2.61% 6.48% 1.03% 0.69% - 2.62% $875
FIF-I Benchmark3 1.94% 2.58% 6.24% 0.24% 0.06% - 2.25%
Inflation Protection Fund-I Series 1.47% 3.08% 5.24% 0.72% 2.93% - 3.88% $227
IPF-I Benchmark3 2.04% 3.63% 6.92% -1.44% 1.70% - 3.06%
International Equity Fund-I Series 1.18% 5.15% 7.08% 1.26% 5.67% - 6.85% $702
IEF-I Benchmark3 1.05% 4.74% 8.91% 4.14% 7.48% - 7.47%
Multiple Asset Fund-I Series -0.06% 2.64% 8.24% 3.71% 7.21% - 8.35% $937
MAF-I Benchmark3 0.33% 2.85% 11.09% 5.32% 8.16% - 8.96%
Short Term Investment Fund-I Series 0.31% 0.72% 5.11% 4.12% 2.42% - 2.40% $57
STIF-I Benchmark3 0.32% 0.69% 5.12% 4.15% 2.56% - 2.49%
Social Values Choice Bond Fund-I Series 2.34% 3.02% - - - - 1.45% $43
SVCBF-I Benchmark3 1.94% 2.58% - - - - 1.16%
Social Values Choice Equity Fund-I Series -0.65% 3.03% - - - - -0.40% $35
SVCEF-I Benchmark3 -0.72% 2.78% - - - - -0.43%
U.S. Equity Fund-I Series -2.86% 0.38% 10.95% 8.06% 13.65% - 14.37% $854
USEF-I Benchmark3 -1.92% 1.18% 17.53% 11.59% 16.12% - 16.30%
U.S. Equity Index Fund-I Series -1.78% 1.31% 17.60% 11.57% 16.12% - 16.26% $500
USEIF-I Benchmark3 -1.92% 1.18% 17.53% 11.59% 16.12% - 16.30%
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Fund-I Series 2.26% 3.56% 6.09% -1.28% 1.39% - 3.08% $94
USTPF-I Benchmark3 2.28% 3.61% 6.41% -0.99% 1.74% - 3.42%

Historic Composite Performance – Month-End

Net-of-Fees (as of 02/28/2025)1

Please note: the performance information presented in the table below is composite performance. See the disclosures for further details regarding composite performance. For investor-specific results, please login to your account in the Wespath Portal.

Annualized Returns
Composite Performance1,5 One Month Year-to-Date One
Fixed Income (FIF) Composite 1.70% 2.54% 6.45% 1.00% 0.72% 2.37% 4.67% $5,707
FIF Composite Benchmark3 1.94% 2.58% 6.24% 0.24% 0.06% 2.09% 4.28%
Inflation Protection (IPF) Composite 1.49% 3.05% 5.26% 0.85% 2.95% 2.68% 3.62% $1,371
IPF Composite Benchmark3 2.04% 3.63% 6.92% -1.44% 1.70% 2.80% 3.92%
International Equity (IEF) Composite 1.05% 4.84% 6.73% 0.94% 5.41% 4.64% 5.99% $4,552
IEF Composite Benchmark3 1.05% 4.74% 8.91% 4.14% 7.48% 4.87% 5.22%
Multiple Asset (MAF) Composite -0.11% 2.49% 8.05% 3.54% 7.08% 6.35% 7.04% $4,171
MAF Composite Benchmark3 0.33% 2.85% 11.09% 5.32% 8.16% 6.84% 7.01%
Short Term Investment (STIF) Composite 0.31% 0.68% 5.11% 4.13% 2.45% 1.80% 1.65% $244
STIF Composite Benchmark3 0.32% 0.69% 5.12% 4.15% 2.56% 1.84% 1.64%
Social Values Choice Bond (SVCBF) Composite 2.37% 3.05% 6.92% 0.41% 0.39% - 2.11% $132
SVCBF Composite Benchmark3 1.94% 2.58% 6.24% 0.24% 0.06% - 1.92%
Social Values Choice Equity (SVCEF) Composite -0.60% 3.03% 14.57% 10.45% 14.06% 10.23% 10.45% $221
SVCEF Composite Benchmark3 -0.72% 2.78% 14.41% 10.34% 14.02% 10.24% 10.44%
U.S. Equity (USEF) Composite -2.72% 0.39% 10.81% 7.78% 13.50% 10.81% 8.20% $6,015
USEF Composite Benchmark3 -1.92% 1.18% 17.53% 11.59% 16.12% 12.36% 8.86%
U.S. Equity Index (USEIF) Composite -1.81% 1.28% 17.54% 11.55% 16.13% 12.19% 12.28% $655
USEIF Composite Benchmark3 -1.92% 1.18% 17.53% 11.59% 16.12% 12.36% 12.46%
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection (USTPF) Composite 2.26% 3.55% 6.10% -1.26% 1.45% - 2.58% $625
USTPF Composite Benchmark3 2.28% 3.61% 6.41% -0.99% 1.74% - 2.85%

Wespath Benefits and Investments (“Wespath”) is a general agency of The United Methodist Church, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Wespath administers benefit plans and together with its subsidiaries, UMC Benefit Board, Inc. (“UMCBB”) and Wespath Institutional Investments, LLC (“WII”) invests (or provides back-office services for) assets on behalf of benefit plan participants and beneficiaries, plan sponsors and other institutions controlled by, affiliated with or related to The United Methodist Church (the “Church”). For GIPS compliance purposes, the Firm referenced herein is defined to include Wespath, UMCBB and WII (“Firm”). Wespath claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). GIPS is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein. To obtain a copy of Wespath’s GIPS Report, please call us at 1-847-866-4100 or e-mail us at [email protected].

1 The performance shown is for the stated time period only and computed in U.S. Dollars (USD). Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. Investment performance is presented net-of-fees—that is, with the deduction of external investment management fees, custody fees, and administrative and overhead expenses. The investments of the funds and composites may vary substantially from those in the applicable benchmark. The benchmarks are based on broad-based securities market indices, which are unmanaged, cannot be invested in and are not subject to fees and expenses typically associated with investment funds. Investments cannot be made directly in an index. This chart was produced using data from sources believed to be accurate.

2 Please refer to the Investment Funds Description - I Series for more information about each Fund. This information is for informational purposes only and is not an offer to purchase securities. The investment funds are neither insured nor guaranteed by the government.

3 Benchmark descriptions can be found here.

4 The inception date for the Social Values Choice Bond Fund – I Series and the Social Values Choice Equity Fund – I Series is December 3, 2024. The inception date for all other funds is January 1, 2019.

5 The performance presented reflects the historical performance record of the composite employed by: (a) Wespath Institutional Investments (WII) through funds called the I Series funds available as of January 1, 2019 (or December 3, 2024 for the Social Values Choice Bond Fund – I Series and the Social Values Choice Equity Fund – I Series); and (2) UMC Benefit Board, Inc. an affiliated entity, through funds called the P Series funds and available to certain Institutional Investors (as defined below) prior to January 1, 2019 (or December 3, 2024 for the Social Values Choice Bond Fund – I Series and the Social Values Choice Equity Fund – I Series). The composite includes the applicable P Series fund before January 1, 2019 or December 3, 2024. After January 1, 2019 or December 3, 2024, the composite includes both the applicable P Series fund and I Series fund (asset-weighted). The composite for the applicable P Series fund and I Series fund have substantially similar investment objectives and investment strategies and are referred to collectively as “the Composite.” The P Series funds are not available to Institutional Investors other than in exceptional circumstances agreed to by the P Series funds adviser.

Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. Returns presented are time‐weighted returns. Net returns are presented net of actual fees and expenses, including transaction costs, custody fees, sub‐advisory fees, and administrative/overhead expenses and are net of withholding taxes. The portfolios in the Composite do not pay any investment management fees to Wespath. Administrative/overhead expenses are paid by the portfolios in the Composite to Wespath. Units of the I Series funds are available to organizations related to the Church and organized and operated exclusively for religious, educational, benevolent, fraternal, charitable, or reformatory purpose: (1) no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual; or (2) which is or maintains certain pooled income funds, collective trust funds, collective investment vehicles or similar funds for the collective investment and reinvestment of assets of certain designated vehicles available for charitable investments. All such organizations shall qualify as permissible investors in a fund excepted from the definition of “investment company” contained in Section 3(c) (10) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (and are referred to as “Institutional Investors”). Certain, but not all, Institutional Investors were eligible to invest in the P Series prior to January 1, 2019 or December 3, 2024.

6 The inception date for the Social Values Choice Equity Composite is December 31, 2014; for the Social Values Choice Bond Composite is June 30, 2017; for the Multiple Asset Composite and Short Term Investment Composite is April 30, 2002; for the Inflation Protection Composite is January 5, 2004; for the U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Composite is June 30, 2017; for the U.S. Equity Index Composite is December 31, 2014; and for the remaining Composites is December 31, 1997.

Historic Fund Performance - Quarter-End

Net-of-fees (as of 12/31/2024)1,2

Annualized Returns
Fund1,2 Three
Fixed Income Fund-I Series -2.64% 2.73% 2.73% -1.09% 0.70% - 2.25% $841
FIF-I Benchmark3 -2.61% 2.28% 2.28% -1.90% 0.29% - 1.88%
Inflation Protection Fund-I Series -2.35% 1.31% 1.31% -0.10% 2.37% - 3.46% $218
IPF-I Benchmark3 -2.64% 2.22% 2.22% -2.50% 1.26% - 2.54%
International Equity Fund-I Series -8.28% 2.11% 2.11% -3.38% 2.58% - 6.15% $687
IEF-I Benchmark3 -7.61% 5.23% 5.23% 0.50% 4.12% - 6.86%
Multiple Asset Fund-I Series -2.87% 7.46% 7.46% 0.61% 5.63% - 8.11% $1,120
MAF-I Benchmark3 -2.30% 10.44% 10.44% 2.36% 6.44% - 8.71%
Short Term Investment Fund-I Series 1.14% 5.19% 5.19% 3.85% 2.34% - 2.34% $52
STIF-I Benchmark3 1.18% 5.28% 5.28% 3.92% 2.48% - 2.45%
U.S. Equity Fund-I Series 1.42% 17.16% 17.16% 4.95% 11.84% - 14.71% $962
USEF-I Benchmark3 2.63% 23.81% 23.81% 8.01% 13.86% - 16.56%
U.S. Equity Index Fund-I Series 2.72% 23.87% 23.87% 7.84% 13.81% - 16.48% $389
USEIF-I Benchmark3 2.63% 23.81% 23.81% 8.01% 13.86% - 16.56%
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Fund-I Series -3.13% 1.73% 1.73% -2.89% 1.43% - 2.56% $91
USTPF-I Benchmark3 -2.96% 1.76% 1.76% -2.62% 1.77% - 2.91%

Historic Composite Performance – Quarter-End

Net-of-Fees (as of 12/31/2024)1

Please note, the performance information presented in the table below is composite performance. Please see the disclosures for further details regarding composite performance. For investor-specific results, please login to your account in the Wespath Portal.

Annualized Returns
Composite Performance1,5 Three
Fixed Income (FIF) Composite -2.52% 2.72% 2.72% -1.09% 0.73% 2.25% 4.61% $5,598
FIF Composite Benchmark3 -2.61% 2.28% 2.28% -1.90% 0.29% 1.98% 4.21%
Inflation Protection (IPF) Composite -2.42% 1.27% 1.27% 0.06% 2.40% 2.51% 3.50% $1,329
IPF Composite Benchmark3 -2.64% 2.22% 2.22% -2.50% 1.26% 2.64% 3.77%
International Equity (IEF) Composite -7.96% 2.04% 2.04% -3.39% 2.44% 4.67% 5.85% $4,401
IEF Composite Benchmark3 -7.61% 5.23% 5.23% 0.50% 4.12% 4.91% 5.08%
Multiple Asset (MAF) Composite -2.79% 7.37% 7.37% 0.59% 5.55% 6.38% 6.98% $4,310
MAF Composite Benchmark3 -2.30% 10.44% 10.44% 2.36% 6.44% 6.87% 6.93%
Short Term Investment (STIF) Composite 1.21% 5.26% 5.26% 3.87% 2.39% 1.74% 1.63% $269
STIF Composite Benchmark3 1.18% 5.28% 5.28% 3.92% 2.48% 1.77% 1.63%
U.S. Equity (USEF) Composite 1.35% 16.79% 16.79% 4.75% 11.76% 11.08% 8.24% $6,245
USEF Composite Benchmark3 2.63% 23.81% 23.81% 8.01% 13.86% 12.55% 8.87%
U.S. Equity Index (USEIF) Composite 2.70% 23.82% 23.82% 7.83% 13.82% 12.35% 12.35% $533
USEIF Composite Benchmark3 2.63% 23.81% 23.81% 8.01% 13.86% 12.55% 12.55%
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection (USTPF) Composite -3.13% 1.75% 1.75% -2.86% 1.49% - 2.16% $600
USTPF Composite Benchmark3 -2.96% 1.76% 1.76% -2.62% 1.77% - 2.43%

Wespath Benefits and Investments (“Wespath”) is a general agency of The United Methodist Church, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Wespath administers benefit plans and together with its subsidiaries, UMC Benefit Board, Inc. (“UMCBB”) and Wespath Institutional Investments, LLC (“WII”) invests (or provides back-office services for) assets on behalf of benefit plan participants and beneficiaries, plan sponsors and other institutions controlled by, affiliated with or related to The United Methodist Church (the “Church”). For GIPS compliance purposes, the Firm referenced herein is defined to include Wespath, UMCBB and WII (“Firm”). Wespath claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). GIPS is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein. To obtain a copy of Wespath’s GIPS Report, please call us at 1-847-866-4100 or e-mail us at [email protected].

1 The performance shown is for the stated time period only and computed in U.S. Dollars (USD). Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. Investment performance is presented net-of-fees—that is, with the deduction of external investment management fees, custody fees, and administrative and overhead expenses. The investments of the funds and composites may vary substantially from those in the applicable benchmark. The benchmarks are based on broad-based securities market indices, which are unmanaged, cannot be invested in and are not subject to fees and expenses typically associated with investment funds. Investments cannot be made directly in an index. This chart was produced using data from sources believed to be accurate.

2 Please refer to the Investment Funds Description - I Series for more information about each Fund. This information is for informational purposes only and is not an offer to purchase securities. The investment funds are neither insured nor guaranteed by the government.

3 Benchmark descriptions can be found here.

4 The inception date for the Social Values Choice Bond Fund – I Series and the Social Values Choice Equity Fund – I Series is December 3, 2024. The inception date for all other funds is January 1, 2019.

5 The performance presented reflects the historical performance record of the composite employed by: (a) Wespath Institutional Investments (WII) through funds called the I Series funds available as of January 1, 2019 (or December 3, 2024 for the Social Values Choice Bond Fund – I Series and the Social Values Choice Equity Fund – I Series); and (2) UMC Benefit Board, Inc. an affiliated entity, through funds called the P Series funds and available to certain Institutional Investors (as defined below) prior to January 1, 2019 (or December 3, 2024 for the Social Values Choice Bond Fund – I Series and the Social Values Choice Equity Fund – I Series). The composite includes the applicable P Series fund before January 1, 2019 or December 3, 2024. After January 1, 2019 or December 3, 2024, the composite includes both the applicable P Series fund and I Series fund (asset-weighted). The composite for the applicable P Series fund and I Series fund have substantially similar investment objectives and investment strategies and are referred to collectively as “the Composite.” The P Series funds are not available to Institutional Investors other than in exceptional circumstances agreed to by the P Series funds adviser.

Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. Returns presented are time‐weighted returns. Net returns are presented net of actual fees and expenses, including transaction costs, custody fees, sub‐advisory fees, and administrative/overhead expenses and are net of withholding taxes. The portfolios in the Composite do not pay any investment management fees to Wespath. Administrative/overhead expenses are paid by the portfolios in the Composite to Wespath. Units of the I Series funds are available to organizations related to the Church and organized and operated exclusively for religious, educational, benevolent, fraternal, charitable, or reformatory purpose: (1) no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual; or (2) which is or maintains certain pooled income funds, collective trust funds, collective investment vehicles or similar funds for the collective investment and reinvestment of assets of certain designated vehicles available for charitable investments. All such organizations shall qualify as permissible investors in a fund excepted from the definition of “investment company” contained in Section 3(c) (10) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (and are referred to as “Institutional Investors”). Certain, but not all, Institutional Investors were eligible to invest in the P Series prior to January 1, 2019 or December 3, 2024.

6 The inception date for the Social Values Choice Equity Composite is December 31, 2014; for the Social Values Choice Bond Composite is June 30, 2017; for the Multiple Asset Composite and Short Term Investment Composite is April 30, 2002; for the Inflation Protection Composite is January 5, 2004; for the U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Composite is June 30, 2017; for the U.S. Equity Index Composite is December 31, 2014; and for the remaining Composites is December 31, 1997.

Historic Fund Performance – Calendar Year

Performance, Net-of-Fees1,2

Fund 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Fixed Income Fund-I Series 2.73% 7.98% -12.77% -1.14% 8.25% 10.37% - - - -
FIF-I Benchmark3 2.28% 6.51% -13.34% -1.12% 8.68% 10.19% - - - -
Inflation Protection Fund-I Series 1.31% 4.77% -6.07% 6.01% 6.40% 9.10% - - - -
IPF-I Benchmark3 2.22% 3.28% -12.20% 6.63% 7.72% 9.17% - - - -
International Equity Fund-I Series 2.11% 12.80% -21.69% 3.94% 21.17% 25.91% - - - -
IEF-I Benchmark3 5.23% 15.62% -16.58% 8.53% 11.12% 21.63% - - - -
Multiple Asset Fund-I Series 7.46% 14.32% -17.09% 8.08% 19.43% 21.44% - - - -
MAF-I Benchmark3 10.44% 15.59% -16.00% 11.61% 14.17% 20.78% - - - -
Short Term Investment Fund-I Series 5.19% 5.21% 1.19% -0.18% 0.43% 2.32% - - - -
STIF-I Benchmark3 5.28% 5.05% 1.47% 0.05% 0.67% 2.28% - - - -
U.S. Equity Fund-I Series 17.16% 23.27% -19.95% 19.02% 27.16% 30.18% - - - -
USEF-I Benchmark3 23.81% 25.96% -19.21% 25.66% 20.89% 31.02% - - - -
U.S. Equity Index Fund-I Series 23.87% 26.09% -19.71% 25.88% 20.92% 30.81% - - - -
USEIF-I Benchmark3 23.81% 25.96% -19.21% 25.66% 20.89% 31.02% - - - -
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Fund-I Series 1.73% 3.17% -12.76% 5.53% 11.11% 8.42% - - - -
USTPF-I Benchmark3 1.76% 3.84% -12.60% 6.00% 11.54% 8.75% - - - -

Historic Composite Performance – Calendar Year


Please note, the performance information presented in the table below is composite performance. Please see the disclosures for further details regarding composite performance. For investor-specific results, please login to your account in the Wespath Portal.

Composite Performance1,4 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Fixed Income (FIF) Composite 2.72% 7.86% -12.66% -1.11% 8.37% 10.24% -1.10% 6.57% 5.74% -1.97%
FIF Composite Benchmark3 2.28% 6.51% -13.34% -1.12% 8.68% 10.19% -0.63% 4.59% 4.62% 0.10%
Inflation Protection (IPF) Composite 1.27% 4.76% -5.53% 6.16% 5.86% 8.88% -2.17% 4.42% 7.70% -4.99%
IPF Composite Benchmark3 2.22% 3.28% -12.20% 6.63% 7.72% 9.17% -1.49% 4.12% 10.73% -1.72%
International Equity (IEF) Composite 2.04% 12.11% -21.14% 4.36% 19.84% 25.31% -13.78% 30.56% 6.02% -6.46%
IEF Composite Benchmark3 5.23% 15.62% -16.58% 8.53% 11.12% 21.63% -14.76% 27.81% 4.41% -4.60%
Multiple Asset (MAF) Composite 7.37% 13.92% -16.71% 8.64% 18.41% 21.14% -6.14% 17.98% 8.41% -2.56%
MAF Composite Benchmark3 10.44% 15.59% -16.00% 11.61% 14.17% 20.78% -6.47% 16.95% 8.58% -0.90%
Short Term Investment (STIF) Composite 5.26% 5.17% 1.23% -0.16% 0.57% 2.51% 1.62% 0.90% 0.46% 0.03%
STIF Composite Benchmark3 5.28% 5.05% 1.47% 0.05% 0.67% 2.28% 1.87% 0.86% 0.33% 0.05%
U.S. Equity (USEF) Composite 16.79% 22.38% -19.55% 20.11% 26.30% 29.62% -5.48% 19.92% 11.53% 0.08%
USEF Composite Benchmark3 23.81% 25.96% -19.21% 25.66% 20.89% 31.02% -5.24% 21.13% 12.74% 0.48%
U.S. Equity Index (USEIF) Composite 23.82% 26.10% -19.65% 25.96% 21.04% 30.84% -4.99% 20.34% 12.35% -0.16%
USEIF Composite Benchmark3 23.81% 25.96% -19.21% 25.66% 20.89% 31.02% -5.24% 21.13% 12.74% 0.48%
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection (USTPF) Composite 1.75% 3.23% -12.74% 5.60% 11.25% 8.43% -1.74% 2.31% - -
USTPF Composite Benchmark3 1.76% 3.84% -12.60% 6.00% 11.54% 8.75% -1.48% 2.33% - -

Wespath Benefits and Investments (“Wespath”) is a general agency of The United Methodist Church, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Wespath administers benefit plans and together with its subsidiaries, UMC Benefit Board, Inc. (“UMCBB”) and Wespath Institutional Investments, LLC (“WII”) invests (or provides back-office services for) assets on behalf of benefit plan participants and beneficiaries, plan sponsors and other institutions controlled by, affiliated with or related to The United Methodist Church (the “Church”). For GIPS compliance purposes, the Firm referenced herein is defined to include Wespath, UMCBB and WII (“Firm”). Wespath claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). GIPS is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein. To obtain a copy of Wespath’s GIPS Report, please call us at 1-847-866-4100 or e-mail us at [email protected].

1 The performance shown is for the stated time period only and computed in U.S. Dollars (USD). Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. Investment performance is presented net-of-fees—that is, with the deduction of external investment management fees, custody fees, and administrative and overhead expenses. The investments of the funds and composites may vary substantially from those in the applicable benchmark. The benchmarks are based on broad-based securities market indices, which are unmanaged, cannot be invested in and are not subject to fees and expenses typically associated with investment funds. Investments cannot be made directly in an index. This chart was produced using data from sources believed to be accurate.

2 Please refer to the Investment Funds Description - I Series for more information about each Fund. This information is for informational purposes only and is not an offer to purchase securities. The investment funds are neither insured nor guaranteed by the government.

3 Benchmark descriptions can be found here.

4 The performance presented reflects the historical performance record of the composite employed by: (a) Wespath Institutional Investments (WII) through funds called the I Series funds available as of January 1, 2019 (or December 3, 2024 for the Social Values Choice Bond Fund – I Series and the Social Values Choice Equity Fund – I Series); and (2) UMC Benefit Board, Inc. an affiliated entity, through funds called the P Series funds and available to certain Institutional Investors (as defined below) prior to January 1, 2019 (or December 3, 2024 for the Social Values Choice Bond Fund – I Series and the Social Values Choice Equity Fund – I Series). The composite includes the applicable P Series fund before January 1, 2019 or December 3, 2024. After January 1, 2019 or December 3, 2024, the composite includes both the applicable P Series fund and I Series fund (asset-weighted). The composite for the applicable P Series fund and I Series fund have substantially similar investment objectives and investment strategies and are referred to collectively as “the Composite.” The P Series funds are not available to Institutional Investors other than in exceptional circumstances agreed to by the P Series funds adviser.

Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. Returns presented are time‐weighted returns. Net returns are presented net of actual fees and expenses, including transaction costs, custody fees, sub‐advisory fees, and administrative/overhead expenses and are net of withholding taxes. The portfolios in the Composite do not pay any investment management fees to Wespath. Administrative/overhead expenses are paid by the portfolios in the Composite to Wespath. Units of the I Series funds are available to organizations related to the Church and organized and operated exclusively for religious, educational, benevolent, fraternal, charitable, or reformatory purpose: (1) no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual; or (2) which is or maintains certain pooled income funds, collective trust funds, collective investment vehicles or similar funds for the collective investment and reinvestment of assets of certain designated vehicles available for charitable investments. All such organizations shall qualify as permissible investors in a fund excepted from the definition of “investment company” contained in Section 3(c) (10) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (and are referred to as “Institutional Investors”). Certain, but not all, Institutional Investors were eligible to invest in the P Series prior to January 1, 2019 or December 3, 2024.