Reflections on the Afghan Refugee Crisis and the Need for a Sustainable Global Economy

By Trent Sparrow
Manager, Impact Investments
January 31, 2022
In late August 2021, I woke up to an email from my church asking for volunteers who could commit two weeks to help process Afghan refugees arriving in the U.S., following the emergency evacuations in Kabul. As soon as I read the email, I knew I wanted to help.
That being said, I didn't know how my wife would respond to this idea, which would leave her alone for two weeks to wrangle our two small children—but I felt called to serve. Fortunately, my wife had read the same email that morning, and in our first conversation of the day, without being prompted, she said, "You need to go!" The management team at Wespath was equally supportive.
I am so grateful that I was able to answer this call to service. While I cannot share many details about my experience out of respect for the families we helped, I would like to share some reflections that have made me a better person and a better investor.
Lesson One: Amazing things can happen when diverse groups of individuals unite in commitment to a common goal.
Arriving on my first day was exciting and terrifying at the same time. It was also hectic—most of us didn't know what we were doing, save for a small set of professional staff trained in crisis response. What we did know is that we wanted to help.
It was amazing to see college students, recent graduates, mid-career professionals, former executives, full-time mothers and retirees working together—all in service to the common goal of helping our Afghan sisters and brothers in their hour of need. Differences were put aside. Egos were checked. Our mission was the focus.
I'm inspired by this humble collaboration and think we can apply it to our day-to-day work. At Wespath, we seek to invest in alignment with our vision of a sustainable global economy. Achieving this vision requires a diverse set of stakeholders in the investment ecosystem—investors, companies and policymakers—to unite behind the common goal of creating a world we want to live in, now and in the future.
Lesson Two: You accomplish more when you have a positive attitude.
I learned this lesson from two fellow volunteers, a retired couple that "brought it" every day. Despite the emotional and physical exhaustion, this couple always had smiles on their faces and always looked for ways to ease others' burdens. Their energy was infectious and made me want to try harder and do better.
This couple served as an amazing reminder that a positive, "can do" attitude works wonders when dealing with a particularly complex and seemingly insurmountable challenge. Our sustainable economy vision can feel similar at times. I am fortunate to work with an amazing team that also "brings it" every day, but the task is quite tall. Still, with a positive attitude focused on a common goal, we are better positioned to address the implementation of our vision.
Lesson Three: Relationships matter infinitely more than material possessions.
Sitting across the table and looking into the eyes of Afghan refugees—for 12+ hours a day, 16 days straight—was an intense emotional experience. Many of the individuals I spoke with had left behind everything they owned to seek out a better life for themselves and their families.
I experienced the joy and relief of families that arrived fully intact, ready to start anew in our country of opportunity. I also experienced the agonizing grief of men who had fled their homes, leaving their families behind because their lives were in mortal danger. I empathized with women who lost their husbands and were left on their own to raise young children in a foreign country. I caught a glimpse into the complexity of the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan and its impact on the lives of individuals and their communities. All of this served as a reminder that our relationships with our loved ones are what really matter.
Our vision for a sustainable economy is complex and ever evolving. I don't pretend that this vision is a panacea for all the ills and injustices that we face in this world, but I do know that through this vision we can impact people's lives in very real ways. We can help create a world that supports better outcomes for all people and the planet, which I believe fosters stronger relationships within families and communities. Finally, we can continue to live into our mission while providing financial security for our participants and investors. I am so grateful to be a part of an organization that embodies this effort.